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What is Agritourism?


The fundamental values of italian Agritourism

The core values of Italian agritourism are set out in article 1 of the national law passed in 2006

Law n. 96 of 20 February 2006

“”Regulation of agritourism””

published in the Italian Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 63 of 16 March 2006

Art. 1.


1. The Republic, in keeping with the rural development programs of the European Union and the Italian state and regions, includes in its support of agriculture the promotion of appropriate forms of tourism in the countryside, aimed at:

a) safeguarding, classifying and promoting the specific resources of each territory;

b) favoring the maintenance of human activities in rural areas;

c) encouraging multifunctionality in agriculture and the differentiation of farm incomes;

d) promoting initiatives by farmers for the conservation of soil, land and environment through increased farm incomes and improvements in the quality of life;

e) recovering the rural architectural heritage by protecting the features of the landscape;

f) supporting and promoting typical local products, high quality products, and related food and wine traditions;

g) promoting rural culture and education in nutrition;

h) encouraging the development of agriculture and forestry.


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